I am NOT a health nut, I love to enjoy fruit loops with marshmallows & pancakes with extra syrup in the mornings. With that being said, those things do not make me feel good, they are just fillers, I am an adult and want to feel good, so I do choose to keep those things to a minimum, and fuel my body with actual fuel many mornings. I wanted to share a couple tips you can add to your breakfast to make you feel more energized, and not suffer some awful tasting difference!
I am sure EVERYONE knows about coconut oil, but if not, listen carefully…I use coconut oil for my skin, my sister uses it for her son for diaper cream, you can use it for a deep conditioner for your hair, (although you'll be rinsing for an hour to get it out) it is an anti fungal, so it is so great for babies that get yeast around their neck, chunky thighs, etc… these external uses are unlimited, but truly the best benefit is if it is ingested. It tastes a bit greasy, and as a supplement many will be scared off, well do this trick and you will not look back, each morning drop a tablespoon or two of it into your coffee. It immediately melts, and you do not taste a thing, maybe a little sweetness... the only after effect is soft coconut lips! (if you do not drink coffee, try tea, or plug your nose and swallow the spoonful, but I've tried it and it's not fun). When it is ingested, it goes straight to your liver and is therapeutic on your brain, nervous system and skin. It will help you burn more fat, and fight off infection. It moisturizes your skin from the inside. It has lauric acid in it, one of the only other places to find lauric acid is in breast milk. Possibly the reason breast fed infants get less infections and viruses. These are all things I have known for a long time as I have been using it for years, some of this information however was found at authority nutrition.com Web MD and natural news.com. You should buy pure and unrefined organic coconut oil, found at the city center market, walmart and other grocery stores near the cooking oils. It costs under $8.
Next is a simple bowl of oatmeal with some great toppings. I know steel cut oats are better for you, but I prefer old fashioned rolled oats. I top with blueberries, brown sugar (I'm being honest here), cinnamon and hemp seeds. The hemp seeds taste delicious and blend right in, they actually taste like nothing really, but they are a super food with a million great things, they have huge amounts of magnesium, iron, amino acids, fiber, omega 3's, omega 6 which is a great anti inflammatory and great for your skin. Adding a few tablespoons of this to your diet will definitely not hurt you. I found mine at our local food co op but you can also find it here for less than $7 Hemp hearts. Cinnamon carries its own great list of health benefits, fighting off infections and ailments. So charge up, don't spend a fortune, and curve your hunger by fueling yourselves in the mornings!
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