My family and I just got back from vacation. A much needed week of rest and fun with the kids on an Island with no roads or stores. My morning walks consisted of the foggy ocean breeze, sea shells, and sea glass. One thing became clear to me as I walked that beach. What we have in this life is NOT ours. I have heard this, yet never really listened. Many selfishly live life, like we are in it to win it. Self happiness is definitely necessary, so keep being in it to win it, because when you are taken care of, you can help others, but don't stop there! We are in it to serve others. Others meaning, not only our offspring, but all people. That IS our purpose and if we are not doing this, as I don't think I have always been the best at, we will never be serving the Lord and fulfilling our purpose here in our temporary homes. I am so glad I am figuring this out before I turn 30! I feel purpose as a wife, a mother, as a creator and memory keeper. All of which fill my heart to the brim, but there is more room! I thought that having a 4th child of our own, would help fill the room in my heart, BABIES DO THAT! After trying for a baby for 2.5 years after a partially unsuccessful tubal reversal, I have come to the realization that this may not be the plan for us. Meanwhile it has become well with my soul. So what now, well there is still a HUGE spot in my heart to serve a little human who may be in our families plan? We have so much room in our hearts to do this, so this morning I made the call to the local TSA (therapeutic services agency) different than our local social services, this foster program is state wide, so we will not be limited to fostering in our own community. I really hope we can foster to adopt one little angel, but if we just get to help a few beautiful children through their journey in life, that will be so great too! I just read a wonderful quote that said, "We're all just walking each other home" well, isn't that the truth, so I choose to leave my comfort zone and pray for our next adventure, to share our story. The boys will love welcoming a new person into our lives! They have all agreed they would love this. { The first things people usually say about foster care is what if the child is troubled? Second thing is, what if they take the child back? Answers from me regarding those questions... What will you do if YOUR child is troubled? What will you do if you don't get to keep your child forever? I am pretty sure those two questions are answered now. }

p.s I would love feedback from anyone who has more information on adoption or foster care. I would love to connect with you!
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying for you and your family on this amazing decision you have made. You and your family have so much LOVE & JOY for a precious little child to come into your home. I'm excited for you! :)
And so true about us being in this life to serve ALL people. This is our temporary home, so we need to make it worthwhile. :) LOVE!